Saturday, November 08, 2008

Chessboard life

why do you live a chessboard life, boy
& yet not move by the rules?

why do you still color the boxes
with ivory dreams
& burgundy plans?

why do you choose to be knight
at war
when you are the crown prince?

why do you see through the rooks & bishops
trying hard to make you smile?

why does your board have so many more squares
than the rest?
why do you choose to stick to the checkered sky?

why do you play on
when there is no opponent left?

why do you live a chessboard life, boy
& yet not move by the rules?

Where do we go next when all we want is ours?

To one of the few rockstars I know & am glad I do!!


Ankur said...

All we want is ours... I think its time let out a few secrets.. until you decipher this post

Lyrical Craziness Personified said...

You know what, Ankur, by-standers have this amusing hobby (more 'coz of joblessness than interest) to make condescending remarks & observations about things which are not their business.
& we wanna yell out -"Dude you know Jack shit about anything, so shut up".

well, the PS was just that a by-stander's remark absolutely irrelevant & completely redundant... :)

& you are still a rockstar!!

Anonymous said...

I have no clue what this post is about, but the premise seems to be simply - Judgments and Presumptions

We often kid ourselves by thinking that we have figured this person out, and he/she is going to remain like that.

While we assume a total mystery to surround ourselves, hence assuming no would do the same to us.

This is often true with respect to relationships as well; That's probably when they begin to fall apart