Tuesday, April 05, 2016

303. They say

Today's is a guest post. I asked my husband to write me a poem, and this is what he does.

He can’t multi-task,
They say.
With blinders on,
The world around him
Is gone.

He’s very focused,
They say.
One at a time,
Concentration is

He is so intense,
They say.
Watching a screen,
Doesn’t notice a
Loud scene.

He does just one thing,
They say.
Ignoring all,
Follows paths and goes

He can’t multi-task,
They say.
With blinders on,
The world around him
Is gone.

So they say.
Yes, they say.
But they’re wrong.

He can do two chores,
I say.
One work gets care,
All the while pulling
His hair.

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