Tuesday, July 26, 2016

331. Incongruous

i sought metaphors
in smug silence
to belong in worlds
i never was in

i seek metaphors
in stubborn silence
to belong in worlds
i no longer am in

i am but destined
to forever be
oppressed by my own silence
betrayed by my own words

330. Metamorphosis

she stared at the sky
each day
each night
firmly rooted
in her brown identity

an evergreen tree

until one day
they plotted to come
wielding axes
to bring her down

and then she squirmed
in panic
only to realize
her roots had talons
and her leaves were but feathers

and she clawed the plotters
spread her wings
and flew away
for what she wanted
all along

Friday, July 22, 2016

329. अखबार

पीले ये कागज़
काली सियाही
खा लिए कागज़
पी ली सियाही

देखे कहे दास्ताँ निगलते हैं अखबार

ज़रा सोच समझके रहियो
भूखी आँखों से बचके रहियो

सच्चाई दबाके
शिकार मारे
कच्चा ही चबाके
डकार मारे

यूँ ही नहीं दास्ताँ उगलते हैं अखबार

ज़रा सोच समझके रहियो
भूखी आँखों से बचके रहियो

Sunday, July 17, 2016

328. साँवरे पिया

साँवरे पिया
बावरी पिया

मैं रूखी पिया

तू पूछे क्यों
यूँ हूँ क्योंकी पिया

बोलो ज़रा
तूने क्यों की पिया

यूँ बदसुलूकी पिया

जाता तू जब जहाँ
मैं भी आती वहाँ

सांसें रोकी पिया
यादें फींकी पिया
जान फूँकी पिया
आरज़ू की पिया

बोलो ज़रा
तूने क्यों की पिया

यूँ बदसुलूकी पिया

साँवरे पिया
बावरी पिया


some indulgences cannot be explained.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

327. The battle of the gods


The (pointless) battle for the (absent) gods


some seek
the many-named

some seek
the untamed

but they all seek
from the sane

they stumble
they falter
drag themselves
to the altar

aching - their hearts
choking - their mores
creaking - their faith
broken - their souls

they kill
they maim
they spill
they blame
they stand up -
they claim -
for the only unblamed

what do you do
when reason is treason
and pain deemed pure
and passion deemed fair
and compassion unsure

when the fanatics insist
and the dramatics persist
in the quest
for the one
who may not even exist

you give
what it takes
your calm
your mistake
while you are put up
on stakes
to end up
being remembered
as the ill famed
as the ashamed

some seek
the many-named
some seek
the untamed

but they all seek
the same
old inane

He will watch over you
if you watch out for him


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

326. जाऊँ...

जाने को कहते हो मुझे पर मैं अगर जाऊँ
इतना तो बता दो के आखिर अब किधर जाऊँ

मेरी ख़ामियों गुस्ताखियों से है वजूद मेरा
क्या पहचान सकोगे मुझे जो मैं सुधर जाऊँ

An incomplete impatient thought

325. Nightmares

be careful
when you go sleepwalking
my friend

there was this time
he tripped
on a dream

to this day
i still
find myself falling
each time i sleep
i still
wake up with a start
each time i sleep

for the love of those around you
be careful
my friend
when you go sleepwalking

324. Packing troubles

woke up
in a strange quiet city
to a surprise gift
from you

a day
filled with warm conversation
gleaming encounters
and dark dances

a day
so enthralling
that the sun had FOMO
and refused to set

and then
I had to pack this long day
in my suitcase

a gift
that refused
to fit

next time
you get me a gift
can you please make sure
that it is cabin-baggage friendly?

you know
how I hate it
when there are creases
on my memories

the things brats complain about

Friday, July 01, 2016

323. Epiphany

looked at me
and said

are not
who you are

i smiled

i just am
who i am not