Thursday, August 20, 2009

172. My Share of Silence


Blow life into...
Have conversations with...

Wild gusts
of dusty wind

A flickering screen
of fairy tales

The raw potato
and the bent knife

Strange friends
Friendly stranger

Old yellow pages
crumbling to pieces
under a light touch

The never-ending flight
of stairs

Obstinate visions
Seductive beats

Smiles flying by
on busy streets


The last time
it took three days
to spot a tiger in the wild


Was I asleep when
he walked by me
while my share of silence
left dancing freckles
on his skin?


Once upon a time
not too long ago
in a land not too far away


I wonder
my life is an anagram

I have already seen
the vermillion stains and the camouflaged stripes
the grand ending

I am just living
some white noise

all I need to do is
shuffle my memories
to find my share of silence


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